Sunday 31 March 2013

Chasing Home - Or Finding It

This week I was fortunate enough to have my application accepted to attend a curated audience for the TedxWaterloo event, held at Centre in the Square.  It was an exciting moment - and so inspiring!  The theme was Chasing Home.  It begged the questions, is home where you live now, where you're from, the building you live in - or is it the people that you are surrounded by that make home, home?  From microbial biologists, particle physicists, slam poets, paediatric oncologists, singers, the creator and deliverer of the Mars Rovers to a female handy woman - it was an awe-inspiring event!

For me, the past is not home.  It was a place that led me to where I am today, but it's not home.  My home is in the here and now.  In the walls that make up my house.  In the laughter of my kids, in the smell of coffee made by hubby, in the wagging tails of my two dogs.  It surrounds me in the friends that make me smile, in the bed where I lay, in the garden where I grow.  It fills me with love, hope, and laughter.  It grounds me when I am too excited, too sad, or too stressed.  My home is where I can kick off my high heels, slip my feet into a pair of floppy, pink slippers, and be myself.

Others may argue that home IS where they come from - especially if their parents still reside in the house where they grew up.  That symbol of home may strike the flame that warms the heart when thinking of home.  I have come to learn that home is as personal a place as the shelves of our hearts where we store the memories that made us who we are.  The microbial biologist argued that the community of bacteria and creatures that live in our gut - have a right to be there.  They WANT to be there.  It is there home.  We live in a symbiotic relationship with them - even though we can't see it.  The work they do for us is often ignored - but they are living creatures - without whom our bodies would not be in good working order.  So maybe home is where everyone or everything is kept in balanceInstead of a location, it is an existence.  An existence of having symbiotic relationships with those that think of you, when they think of home.

Try acting as if your entire community were your home.  Treating everyone within it with respect and appreciation!  Because if we all thought of home as broader-reaching and made meaningful by connections as opposed to thinking more of the walls of our physical home, we could potentially make the world a much warmer place.

I can't believe it but...TEDxWaterloo was a thrilling experience! 

Happy home-making,

Kathy Pettit :)

Saturday 9 March 2013

The Moisturizer Conspiracy - Yes it Exists!

elephant Unmoisturized -lol- Wrinkly ElephantI had an "aha" moment recently, that made me question the very fabric of our being.  Okay, maybe, it wasn't that deep - but it was still important!  And puzzling.  Then I realized there was a conspiracy underfoot - and the wool that was pulled over my eyes started to become so itchy, that I had to find another solution!

Typically, I would refer to myself as fairly organized and prepared.  But, on a recent occasion I was running out of my facial moisturizer.  Hubby, finally realizing the importance of adding this to your daily routine (especially in winter!), has been digging his manly fingers into my jar and (in my humble opinion) has been a little over-zealous in his slathering. At my encouragement and reassurance that moisturizing was not just for girls, he agreed to having his own supply and not deplete my tiny $20-$30 something jar in record time.  (I don't know about you ladies, but I am pretty chintzy with the application of my youth-keeper - I make it last as long as womanly possible!)  So we headed to our local pharmacy - and I showed him in the men's section and pointed out that they made lotions for the most manly of faces!  That was where I saw the conspiracy taking place right in front of us!  Get this - $6.99 for a giant tube of manly facial moisturizer!  Why am I paying 3-4 times more for LESS?! 

He bought it.  I however, starting to itch from that wool I mentioned earlier, did not replenish my stock.  I used up every smear until the jar was clean.  Then, about a week ago, I tried Hubby's new $6.99 stuff, expecting it to be "not as good" as mine.  After a week, I "hrmphed" out loud.  I liked it.  A lot.  So I am converted.  Lucky for him, my routine only includes the tiniest of amounts.  If it weren't for this blog, he would never know I have raided his supply!

So lesson here - men - moisturize!  You can get wrinkles too, and chapped skin!  Ladies - next time you need to restock - check out the men's section.  Your wallet will thank you!

I can't believe it took me that long to realize the blatant conspiracy against women!

Happy slathering,

Kathy Pettit